What Does Data Managed Data Center Mean?

 A managed data center is a type of data center model that is deployed, managed, and monitored at / from an external data center service provider.

It provides functionality and functionality similar to a standard data center, but through a Managed Services Platform (MSP).

Techopedia explains the managed data center

Typically, a managed data center can come from a data center hosting, colocation, or cloud-based data center-as-a-service (DCaaS) platform.

Managed data centers can be fully or partially managed. A partially managed data center allows organizations to have a certain level of administrative control over the data center infrastructure and / or service. In a fully managed data center, most or all of the administration and management of the primary data center is performed by the data center provider.

Under the service level agreement, the service provider is generally responsible for:

  • Service and maintenance of all hardware and equipment and network services.

  • Installation, update and patching of operating systems and other software at the system level.

  • Data center storage and backup maintenance

  • Fault tolerance and redundancy of data center infrastructure in the event of a disaster or other disruptive events

Data Centers and Their Importance to Modern Business

Times have changed and the demand for information is greater than ever. Just a few decades ago, the company was content with simple TV shows with few channels to choose from. Even communications are straightforward and postal mail is widely accepted. However, this is no longer the case.

Since the Internet has become a daily necessity and almost everyone owns a smartphone, most of our waking hours are spent online. Whether it is for work or socializing, the Internet plays an important role in our lives. https://www.youtube.com/embed/yfF3pOzdmlEN Naturally, the demand for streaming data is at an all-time high. This need for computers and other networking equipment to handle these demands is the catalyst for immersion in a modern data center.

What are data centers?

Data centers are the places where computer facilities and network equipment are located and centralized. They are responsible for collecting, storing, processing and distributing large amounts of data. Data centers have also existed since the dawn of the modern computing age.

They are also responsible for data backup and recovery, as well as networking. These centers also host websites, manage email, and instant messaging services. They support cloud storage applications and e-commerce transactions. Even online gaming communities need data centers to run their online activities.

Data centers connect communication networks so that end users can access information remotely. These many clustered servers and associated equipment can be found in a room or even an entire complex.

Evolution of data centers

Decades ago, the first computers were huge machines that could occupy entire rooms. But as the technology evolved, the equipment got smaller and cheaper than before. However, with these advancements, data processing demands also began to increase exponentially.

Unlike before, where data centers are just one big supercomputer, modern and old data centers operate using multiple servers to further optimize and increase their processing power. Now, data centers are made up of thousands of tiny, powerful servers that run non-stop 24 hours a day.

Importance of data centers

Almost all modern businesses and government offices need their own data center, or they can choose to rent one. Large companies and government institutions can choose to build and manage them internally if they have the resources. While others choose to rent servers in "colos" or colocation facilities. Some business owners also have the option of using cloud-based public services.

Businesses that run education, finance, telecommunications, retail, and social media services process tons of information every day. These companies that produce and use data need data centers to run their operations. Without these centers, they will suffer from a lack of fast and secure access to data. This failure to provide the service will ultimately result in lost customers and profits.

Now we must remember that all this information must be hosted somewhere. These days, cloud storage is gaining momentum, not only among business owners, but also among local consumers. The idea of ​​running or storing our data and resources at home or on work computers is being replaced by an offshore storage mentality. Many companies are also migrating their business applications to data center services to minimize the cost of running an internal server.

That is why data centers are an indispensable resource for a business that wants to run smoothly. The importance of data centers in the modern world has increased tenfold due to the growing demand for information commerce.

How do data centers work?

Similar to how two computers connect through a local network, Internet servers transmit information to web browsers through network connections. The data stored on a server in the data center is distributed in packets before transmission and sent through routers that decide the most suitable path for this data to progress.

It then uses a series of wired and wireless networks to reach the user's Internet service provider and finally to the end user's computer. Whenever a web address is entered in a browser, it automatically requests information from a server. If the end user wants to download information, the process will be reversed.

Types of data centers

Considering how essential data centers are to running large companies and even with small and medium-sized businesses joining the trend, choosing one that fits a business model is essential. There are different types of data centers and service models. Here are four main types of data centers:

Colocation data centers

Colocation data centers or more commonly referred to as "colo" are a company that rents space in a data center that it does not own and that is hosted outside of commercial facilities. The colocation data center provides infrastructure such as the building itself, cooling, bandwidth, and security, among others. While the company produces and maintains the components, which include servers, storage system and security firewalls.

Enterprise data centers

Enterprise data centers are created, owned, and managed by companies. These data centers are operated for a single purpose and as this service is optimized for your end user clients. Corporate data centers are often located in corporate complexes.

Managed services data centers

These data centers are operated by an external entity or a managed service provider rather than the company. The company rents equipment and infrastructure to reduce costs.

Cloud data centers

Cloud data centers are an external form of a data center. The most common cloud hosting services are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft (Azure), and IBM Cloud.

How reliable is a data center?

Business owners constantly need reliability to run smoothly. Fortunately, a data center is designed to easily support 24/7 service. However, the components require a significant amount of infrastructure support in both the hardware and software areas.

These include power subsystems, stable and uninterrupted power supplies, adequate ventilation, high-quality cooling systems, fire suppression, reliable backup generators, and connections to external networks.

The business world is changing at an incredibly fast pace that matches the overwhelming demand for information. With the ever-changing demands of the modern business model, many companies rely on data centers because these facilities play a crucial role in meeting their IT specifications.

Data centers are more than a safe and secure facility with a space equipped with reliable power and network. They become a valuable addition to many companies, as they prove to be a reliable extension of your IT team. This is why modern enterprise data centers are increasingly becoming an indispensable factor for success.


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